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3 Forgotten Nutritional Aspects That Are Wrecking Your Energy Levels

During the summers as young spritely kid, I would skateboard and play basketball all day long in the hot Florida sun and would still somehow have enough energy to play video games into the wee hours of the night. The next day I’d get up do it all over again. Long gone are the days of endless energy.

I know part of the decrease in energy came from “adulting”. Having our minds in a thousand places and all the stresses that came along with that take a significant toll on our overall health. A huge amount of energy is spent just making decisions. Who would have thought. Also, as an adult, I sat around a lot more than I did as a child. Which led to long bouts of inactivity and less calories being burned. Beyond those factors, there were a few other things I discovered later on that had a Major impact on how I felt, energy wise.

In my mid twenties, I really started to take my health more seriously when I could feel my energy levels declining each year that went by. I ate better and worked out more consistently and that definitely helped. I also looked into a lot of alternative ways to increase my energy levels such as energy drinks, caffeine and other various supplements. All of these were merely a Band-Aid and gave only short bursts of energy only to be followed by a drastic crash and burn. I dug so deep into that nonsense that I forgot what “life” was really powered by. Want to know what those are? Well, they are…

Water, Breathing and Sleep.

Sorry for the lack of fireworks here. Those 3 critical elements are about as basic and boring as it comes however, when I started to being more conscious about them, they made all the difference in my energy levels going forward.

In this world where information about health and wellness disseminate faster and more efficiently, a lot of people are striving to lead a healthier lifestyle. Not just me. This, however, comes with a price. With various popular dietary practices prevalent today, a lot of people tend to forget the most basic things about nutrition we were taught about when we were younger.

Here are some of these nutritional aspects we tend to overlook but are extremely important in maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle:

Water Consumption

Boy oh boy did this one miss me. I drank so much soda and juice as a kid and always felt proud by it because I always drank more than all of my friends. I also had more cavities than them, but that’s nothing to brag about lol. On the other hand, my sister pretty much only drank water and she never had cavities and she was always on the top of her game, especially mentally. I was very active back then so those calories were put to good use. By far one of the most overlooked factors in nutrition is the consumption of water. Many people think that because water does not have flavor means that it does not contain elements that are good for our bodies. With the rise of variously flavored thirst-quenchers such as sodas, juices and alcoholic drinks, a lot of individuals tend to forgo water in favor of these beverages. Remember, our body is composed of nearly 75% water and not getting enough results in dehydration, which can lead to more severe health problems.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advocates ingesting a minimum of 2 liters a day. I personally drink at least 3. Those living in places with hot climates need to get more than that. It helps your body lubricate your joints and spine, improving mobility and spinal cord health. It also facilitates waste disposal through urination, perspiration and defecation.

Proper Breathing

Being both a voluntary and involuntary bodily action, a lot of people tend to forget the significance of breathing in day-to-day living. We are often told to do the things犀利士
we love “before we breathe our last” pertaining to the importance of breathing as a life-sustaining function. Whilst, getting air into our lungs is the primary significance of this act, the benefits of properly doing it are often overlooked. This leads to the suboptimal use of your breathing capacity, resulting in shortness of breath, quickly getting tired and other symptoms.

This is why you should always practice proper breathing. You can do this by breathing through the nose using your diaphragm in a relaxed and rhythmic manner. This allows you to give your brain and other organs the right amount of oxygen and facilitate the elimination of wastes such as carbon dioxide and toxins. Moreover, you can use breathing techniques to curb negative emotions and clear your mind.

Getting Enough Sleep

Between the increasing demands of work, personal time and other daily errands, getting a good night’s sleep seems to be out of the question. We often sacrifice sleep to fulfill these duties expected of us. What most individuals do not know is that the lack of a proper slumber greatly affects the mental and physical wellbeing of a person. Often, this leads to impairment, affecting the way they go about their day. If done on a regular basis, this can contribute to obesity, infections and other heart diseases.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults from 18 to 60 years old need 7 or more hours of sleep per night. Getting enough sleep leads to better sleep quality, making them feel rested once they wake up. It also helps them process memories and thoughts better, leading to a more alert mind. To improve your sleep, you might want to designate a sleeping time to enforce consistency and distance yourself from electronics such as TVs and phones as it emits blue light that affects the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Bonus Health Reminders:

Get a Balanced Diet

As kids, our parents always make it a point that we get a balanced diet every meal. This means having carbohydrates, protein, as well as vitamins and minerals every day. However, diet practices nowadays advocate for the elimination of some aspects of nutrition. Some promote the removal of carbs in your daily diet, whilst others encourage you to minimize proteins. This leads to an unbalanced diet, which prevents you from getting all the nutrients you need.

Make sure to eat a balanced diet by reducing the consumption of unnecessary fats and sugars and increase those that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Consume an appropriate amount of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, protein and carbs as this helps your body work in a better and healthier way. You might want to stick to your diet, but make sure to consume even a bit of these to prevent heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes.

Strive for Complete Vitamins and Minerals

Whilst you might be getting these from fruits and vegetables, keep in mind that not all of it contains a complete array of vitamins and minerals. Should you fail to supply your body with the right amount of these, you can suffer from micronutrient deficiencies including Iron, Calcium and Vitamins such as A, B12 and D. When left unaddressed, these can lead to serious illnesses, making it all the more important to get the appropriate supply. In some cases, you might need to take supplements when prescribed by licensed medical practitioners.

Incorporate Exercise in Everyday Life

Today, most corporate jobs entail long hours in front of the computer. Between the horrible commuting conditions, particularly during the holiday rush, and the tedious and repetitive jobs, incorporating exercise has been the least of our priorities. Over time, this sedentary lifestyle leads to serious complications, some of which can be observed in the American society. These include obesity, heart problems and a spike in blood sugar levels.

Medline Plus outlines the major advantages of leading an active lifestyle no matter what age. With regular exercise, individuals can see a significant change in their weight, thereby helping prevent the onset of obesity. Likewise, keeping yourself fit allows a noteworthy improvement in reducing the risk of heart diseases, such as heart attacks and high cholesterol. Working out can also improve mental health, stimulate sharper thinking, promote better sleeping patterns and generally boosts physical health.

Being reminded of how important these nutrition aspects help get your health back on track. Lead a healthier lifestyle by making it a point to practice these 3 forgotten yet important health aspects. This way, you can perform better at school, work and in attaining your personal goals.

1 reply
  1. Lee M.
    Lee M. says:

    It’s great to hear that someone else feels the same way about nutrition. Adequate water and rest have done wonders for my energy levels.


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